Blockchain as an algorithm has become the backbone of thousands doing business already, and it is growing faster than Facebook now. That is because Blockchain is perhaps the safest and the most transparent method of doing business. In fact, by design, a blockchain is inherently resistant to modification of the data. The only way to modify any data within a Blockchain is with the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires collusion of the network majority. This has made Blockchain one of the most secure ways of doing transactions around the world with the help of various Blockchain Companies. Blockchain Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Lite Coin and even DogeCoin has become the new Master Card or Visa of global business. Blockchain Companies similarly are slowly taking over not only the transactional steps but actually the infrastructural needs of a global business. How? Well, a Blockchain is a chain of blocks. Each and every block within this chain is secured with ...