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Everybody is talking about blockchain these days. It is said that this technology will transform our business globally and bring us altogether closer. These same words were used for other technologies like Napster, the music sharing app which revolutionized the music industry, and the torrent technology, which singlehandedly revolutionized the entertainment industry. Now everybody is looking towards the long list of blockchain companies to do the same.  This technology could really redefine business in all sectors and make operations faster and cheaper for companies.

However, many are still wary about trusting blockchain because most relate this technology to the volatile blockchain cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. These people cannot be blamed for their lukewarm approach towards Blockchain Companies. Bitcoin the star of blockchain technology has blown hot and cold for years now. That has made all of us think twice or thrice before investing in this cryptocurrency. However, what most investors know and people are slowly becoming aware of is that Blockchain and Blockchain Cryptocurrency are completely two different entities. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which works like a foreign exchange. It goes up and down in value according to its availability and the initiative of investors.  


Blockchain, on the other hand, is the platform Bitcoin operates on. It is literally a chain of blocks which hold information.  Bitcoin uses these blocks to store transactional data like value, date, and time, amongst other things. What Blockchain Companies are interested in is using these blocks to store things which will make their business process easier and viable for operations across the planet. Take for example, if you are a big multinational IT corporation headquartered in the U.S.A. You have received a hardware related business but your technical experts are all sitting in Beijing. How are you going to finish your tasks? Today you will have to send someone to Beijing to keep the confidential stuff secret, wait for him to assemble a team under the Beijing office banner, and then start the work. 
With you can practically omit step one because Blockchain you can successfully encrypt everything that permits you to share the task with somebody across the planet in secret. This method is so secure that traditional banks are grudgingly accepting Blockchain as a platform. Your team in Beijing can then take over the task and the assigned value for the task because they are both integrated into Blockchain. And after the task is finished all you have to do is hand over the transaction key and your sister firm can withdraw the amount in Blockchain Cryptocurrency your company is operating on.

That is the exact thought that Loyakk Inc., one of the fastest growing Blockchain Company brought to the market. They also integrated their very own Blockchain Cryptocurrency known as the LYK Token into their platform. This not only kept things simpler but also made the whole platform into a complete business tool. So if you want to drive your business up by taking tasks which you might not be able to complete because of economics and build a brand from the ground up, we suggest you employ blockchain technology. We also suggest you read the Loyakk whitepaper at


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